Fruit Crisp

My raspberry bushes, all 3 of them, are loaded with berries this summer.  Today I picked 4 cups of berries! Who would think it was possible for such a little corner of my yard to produce so much fruit. Popped in your mouth, still warm from the sun, a raspberry is like a taste explosion. My daughter put in a request for a Fruit Crisp for dessert so we could really enjoy these fresh berries. I still had some fresh blueberries from the sparse pickings that I have been able to find in the wild this year and with the addition of the fresh peaches from the farmer’s market we had the makings for an amazing taste sensation.


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Banana Blueberry Muffins

The heat of summer means a lot of things in our part of the woods and the tastiest thing is wild blueberries! The heat also means that food ripens faster and doesn’t last as long so therefore those bananas sitting on the counter end up over-ripe and perfect for baking. Lucky for me blueberries and bananas go well together.  Making muffins requires that you only have to have the oven on for a short time in order to bake up a batch and the result is so worth it. I am so glad we installed air-conditioning a few years ago so I can still bake during the heat waves.


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This entry was posted in Muffins.

Blueberry Bundt Cake with Lemon Glaze

It is blueberry season here in Northern Ontario and that means all kinds of blueberry desserts and breakfasts.  This Blueberry Bundt Cake with Lemon Glaze is one of my all-time favourite blueberry recipes. This is also one of my most requested desserts at anytime of the year. I have had friends even request one to give it as a Christmas gift!


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This entry was posted in Cakes.