Pumpkin Apple Loaf with Crumble Topping

The calendar says that today is the first day of Fall, but the thermometer says it is 26ºC! Record breaking temperatures here for the next few days – finally summer has arrived! But the pumpkins are in the grocery stores so that means baking must include roasted pumpkin. Pumpkin Apple Loaf with Crumble Topping has 3 healthy ingredients in it – pumpkin, banana and apple so indulge yourself.


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This entry was posted in Bread.

Apple Brownie with Maple Frosting

Autumn is here…at least the apples are here! The colours are just starting to turn and all of the fall harvest is starting to appear at the farmers market. With all of the different varieties of apples out there you really have to try every apple recipe you can get your hands on. This recipe for Apple Brownie with Maple Frosting is just the one to bring out all of those fall flavours. For this brownie I used MacIntosh apples, but any tart apple would work just fine.


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This entry was posted in Bars.