Well it is Canada Day and time to celebrate this awesome country we are lucky enough to call home. So in celebration I made this No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Pie. The berries were picked at a local farm- Twin Rivers Farm in Thessalon. This is the first year I didn’t pick the berries myself but bought them picked. It has been so hot here – 30 degrees C and I can’t stand the heat!
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Maple Pecan Pie
Maple Pecan Pie, a decadent ending to a wonderful meal or a indulgent afternoon treat. Anytime you choose to enjoy this pie, you will be very happy you tried this wonderfully rich recipe. Pecan Pie is my mother-in-law’s favourite pie, so after she was reminiscing about her mother baking Pecan Pies for Christmas dinner many decades ago, I decided to make one to share with her. After all if you are celebrating your 88th Christmas you deserve your favourite dessert. Now even though I never had the privilege of meeting Mrs. Wright, as she passed away years before I met my husband, all of the family has always raved about her pie making skills- so I knew this would be a challenge.
Strawberry Scones
Strawberries just picked, still warm from the summer sun, that is natural sweetness at it’s finest. Over the past few weeks I have picked about 6 baskets of strawberries from 2 farms in my area, Emiry’s Berry Patch and Strawberry Fields. Considering the cool weather we have had the berries were ripe and sweet even if they were a little late in the season. Thanks to the bounty from these farms we now have all of our winter stash of strawberry jam stored away in the freezer, but there was still lots left for eating and baking.
Lime Custard Pie with Whipped Cream
Lime pie is one of my favourite pies…..it is refreshing and any dessert with whipped cream on top is a wonderful thing. I had never made a lime pie before but on the last trip to Costco they had bags of limes and seeing as though guacamole had been requested, limes were on the shopping list. Now what to do with all of those extra limes? Lime pie of course!
Butter Tarts
Butter tarts are pure decadence wrapped up in individual parcels. One is usually enough to satisfy that sweet craving without leaving you feeling guilty for having indulged. There is always room for a butter tart….Do you like yours plain,with raisins or with pecans? My preference is raisins, but I am beginning to like the pecan version as well.